Augmented Space and Time

Where virtual meets the real-world

Sarah Danielle
8 min readOct 11, 2020


The physical-digital augmented realm has many names coined by several different companies. These names include the Planet-scale AR, AR Cloud, Magic Verse, Mirrorworld, and Cyberverse, all these refer to this idea of Spatial Computing.

This Planet Scale Augmented Reality is a 3D digital copy of the physical world. It is used to share augmented experiences across multiple users and devices.

Photo Edited by Sarah Melvin

AR Cloud

The AR Cloud will allow for augmented experiences to exist in the real-world environment by using mobile devices. It is this idea of a shared memory of the physical world on a shared platform.

It is crazy to think companies have been developing this idea of AR since the 90’s. This idea has been around for a couple decades and is just now being harnessed.

It is interesting that mobile devices have the capabilities of creating an augmented reality. Mobile devices have instant localization, direct GPS and triangulation with the help of other signals such as Wi-Fi and cell towers. This idea of localization and mapping is an important factor in spacial computing.

I think there are three main points to creating an AR cloud and this idea of spatial computing. First, the AR Cloud must be a scalable and shareable point cloud. This is the idea of a highly accessible, infinitely scalable cloud that interacts with many users. Secondly, The AR Cloud must possess an instant localizer. This is referring to the tracking and localization of positioning in real-time. Third, another important factor of the AR Cloud is real-time multiple user interaction that can be synced and updated in real time.

Click here to learn more about the AR cloud.


The Magicverse was introduced by the company Magic Leap. I think what is most important about the Magicverse lies within the qualities of spacial computing. There are many qualities, but one sticks out that Magic Leap makes a point to implement. It is respect. This idea of respect is putting people at the center of spacial computing. This respect for our fundamental rights of freedom, privacy, health, diversity, inclusion, and joy. I think this is most important when integrating the physical and digital realm. The Magicverse could make someone feel vulnerable to the unknown; but knowing that it has people’s best interest in mind, it should be a smooth transition into an augmented reality.

Who is to say the people controlling this Magicverse is actually implementing these ideas. They say to trust them and that they will provide transparency but how does anyone know for certain that who ever is control will actually have our best interest in mind and not try to use this platform for other purposes or personal interest.

I find it interesting that 5g could be the new spatial internet that allows this digital-physical world to exist. 5g will create a high-speed network and computing zones that will allow for spatial computing thrive.

This idea of ‘Paradox of Space’ is important. It explains that spacial computing can enhance our physical realm beyond its limited physical geography.
I also think it is important to keep in mind that developers, designers, and coders will be a key component in creating this Magicverse.

Click here to learn more about the Magicverse.


That Mirrorworld will not only reflect what the real-world looks like but it will have volume, depth, and functionality. We will be able to interact with digital objects in real-time. Mirrorworld believes these connections will be generated by Artificial Intelligence.

I never realized, 80% of the work force don’t use desks. It’s crazy to me that a product like Microsoft HoloLens could provide everyone with a virtual desk. I think that could be a challenge because everyone’s ‘workspace’ varies job to job, and the tools they would have in their desk would be different as well.

It is interesting that Mirrorworld thinks everyday cheap glasses are the devices that will end up being used to provide us insight to the digital world. And of course, most importantly, the use of cameras.

Digital Twins are copies of a real physical person, object, or environment. It is important to remember everything will eventually have a digital twin in the virtual world.

Risks are important to remember; these include privacy breaches by the use of ‘fakes’ (fake copies of one’s digital self), or the risk of a centralized entity gaining full control.

Click here to learn more about the Mirrorworld.


The Cyberverse, created by Huawei, is a planet-scale digital world which integrates with the physical world in real time by using a mobile device.

I wonder why GPS isn’t enough for the localization real-world environments; instead, 3D high definition maps are required.

It is interesting how Huawei is harnessing the power of mobile devices to create this Cyberverse. With the integration of mobile devices into 5g it is believed using these mobile devices we can achieve spatial computing.

Geological Location information that mobile devices provide is important to spacial computing. It accurately improves a phones capability to identify physical environments and objects.

I think one of the most important points about the Cyberverse its ability to connect users, space, and data through spatial computing. This idea of connectivity between users should be a key factor in Cyberverse’s success and integration into society.

Click here to learn more about the Cyberverse.

Planet-scale AR

The most important point of the Planet-scale AR lies within Niantic’s mission statement of using emerging technology to enrich our experiences as human beings in the physical world. Niatic achieved this by creating a sense of adventure in the real-world. The map is like a game board and real people are the pieces, fully immersing ourselves in the experience.

It is surprising to me that with Niantic leading the development of Augmented realities, it hasn’t been able to create a shared platform for its users to interact with each other in real time. It is getting closer, our avatars will soon be able to interact with each other in the virtual realm. You can create teams, count steps together and other shared experiences but the overall shared map experience doesn’t exist…yet.

It is interesting how successful Pokemon Go (developed by Niantic) was overnight. This new AR technology took the public by storm. Not only was it a new type of world where the digital meets the physical, but it actually worked! There was a abundance of players overloading the servers making it lag at first, but those kinks were soon ironed out.

I think the idea of privacy is important. Niantic has been so successful, and I think that has a lot to do with the privacy of its players. Again, the augmented reality can leave you feeling vulnerable, especially with your location attached to it. I think providing this privacy has allowed them to gain their players trust and be so successful.

I also think the idea of exploration of the real-world is important. Although, this technology uses digital elements, it is important to continue to immerse ourselves as human beings in the physical world; I think it is important to our psyche and health.

Click here to learn more about the Planet-scale AR.

Spatial Computing

As described by Simon GreenWold, researcher at MIT, the most important point about Spatial computing is the concept of human interaction with a machine; where the machine manipulates the real-world objects and environment.

I think it is hard to wrap my head around the fact that Early computers such as the abacus where technically spacial; ‘they take up space, and they used the nature and qualities of the physical world to perform their work.’

I think Simon’s view on virtual space is interesting. Its isn’t just the digital 3D space but it is any space maintained and controlled by a computer. For example, a “desktop” interface is a virtual space. Spacial computing doesn’t just represent space (something that takes up physical space), it only maintains a representation of space in which we interact with. “The space of the system’s engagement is a real human space.”

I think key idea to spatial computing is a system that allows users to interact with a computer which allows them to create virtual objects and place them into the real-world.

It is also important to keep in mind that in order for a virtual environment to exist it must model the world in every way.

Click here to learn more about Spatial Computing.

The Future of Spatial Computing

The broader implications of the metaverse and ownership of virtual space/objects
I think the broader implications of the metaverse are the expansiveness of our reality. Instead of having just the physical world objects, we will have the digital elements to create a cohesive society where human and technology interact. The metaverse will enhance our reality, making information more accessible. People will be able to provide services virtually. For example, a can be available anywhere, anytime using biosensor data. All this freedom will need some sort of structure to protect it’s users.

Some effects of the extreme implementation of these AR technologies (emotional, physical, and/or mental)
The integration of digital elements into the physical realm may over whelming at first. There may be a sense of detachment from the real-world or from the physical realm. It will be important for this technology to be as close to a copy of the real world as possible. This dissociation could have extreme effects on someone’s psyche. It is important to integrate as much of the physical as we can. Also, this idea of a shared platform is important for social interaction and the idea of community. It will be important not to treat this as a social media, which taints human interaction and one’s self-image, but treat this as an aid or enhancement for one’s self, society, and community.

Click here to learn more about who will own the Metaverse.

All photos where downloaded copy right free from Unsplash.



Sarah Danielle
Sarah Danielle

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