Photographic Essay
Short-Term Transformation of a Rose
This black and white photo essay shows the short-term transition of a rose. The life of a rose is short term, the length of about week when it is cut. In this week we see a rose flourishing with beauty and life quickly transition into death and decay.
This rose represents the process of the creative mind. Sometimes (not all the time) creatives start with energy and motivation when working on a project, and can eventually become exhausted and stressed. Many times this happens to creative design students, such as myself. During the beginning of a quarter we are full of energy, but towards the end become overwhelmed, and feel like we are almost dying inside- like the rose over time. This feeling is short-term like the rose, and soon passes with a much deserved break.
Other aspects in life can feel like the rose; flourishing, beautiful, and purposeful and other times exhausting, wilting, and worn down. Relationships, work, health, school and many other things can feel like this sometimes. Just remember and hold onto the beautiful times, and know most things are temporary and just like the rose, nothing lasts forever.