Virtual World Effects

Spark AR: Objects in Virtual Space & the Use of Trackers

Sarah Danielle
3 min readNov 2, 2020


When adding virtual elements to a physical space it is important to keep the camera display in mind and how it will portray virtual elements into the real-world environment.

Camera Space & World Space

Camera Space is when any object is added as a child to the camera and follows the movements of the device. In a recent Spark AR tutorial, I not only added objects under the camera space, but also added a canvas which took up the whole camera field of view.
World Space is when any object is added outside of the camera view. This means it is in a fixed position in the real-world. For example, this could be virtual element tethered to a tracked object in the real-world; that when viewed shows an augmented object.

Click Here for more information about Camera Space & World Space


There are a few trackers that can be used when creating an augmented world. There are Face Trackers, Plane Trackers, Fixed Target Trackers, and Hand Trackers. These trackers recognize specific objects and apply virtual elements to them.

Target Trackers
Target trackers are activated when the devices recognizes a specific object. Target trackers can be activated when looking at something like a poster.

Click Here for more information on Target Trackers

Plane Trackers
Plane Trackers place 3D objects in the real-world environment by recognizing a flat plane or horizontal surface, like a floor or table. They work by using the back facing camera on your device.

Click Here for more information on Plane Trackers

Target Markers

It is smart to create a virtual marker that looks like the target object so it can be found easily by the viewer. This will help the viewer know what they are looking for and find the tracked object easier. It can be as simple as a preview of the object on a semi-transparent canvas. The patch editor can help animate the marker to appear or disappear on command; an example would be the ‘found’ command.

Click Here for more on Target Markers

Tips and Tricks for Successful Targeting

Not all physical objects in the real-world make good trackers. It is important to know how to choose the right one.
First, make sure the target object can be easily identified by the camera. Achieve this by choosing high contrast objects, high resolution objects, flat surfaces, and distinct shapes. Make sure to avoid pastel colors, smooth or soft edges, gradients, symmetry, curved objects, and repeated patterns. Make sure your object is distinct or complex enough to be easily identified.
Second, when choosing a good tracker, it is important to take placement of the object into consideration. The proximity of the tracker to the camera is important; the closer the better for it fills up the field of view on the device’s screen making it easier to pinpoint the marker. Also, use larger markers like movie posters or cereal boxes; but avoid extreme sizes like billboards or stickers.

Click Here for more Tips on Successful Targeting

Find out more about Trackers by Visiting Lenslist or Facebook Research

